Mathematics Major Requirements

Mathematics Major Requirements

Requirements for the undergraduate Mathematic major, in addition to the University degree requirements outlined within this Bulletin, are:

Courses in mathematics-33 credits in mathematics coursework numbered 120 and above. Mathematics majors do not take CORE 130. The required courses are:

Course Number

Course Name

MATH 120

Calculus I

MATH 130

Calculus II

MATH 210

Calculus III

MATH 220

Introduction to Higher Algebra

MATH 240

Linear Algebra

MATH 270

Ordinary Differential Equations

MATH 320

Algebraic Structures

MATH 353

Introduction to Real Analysis

MATH 395

Senior Seminar

Mathematics electives in the major must be numbered above 200. An advanced course in computer science or physics may be substituted for a mathematics elective with permission of department

Required cognates--16 credits:

Course Number

Course Name

CSCI 110-120

Introduction to Computer Science I & II

NSCI 360



Experiments in General Physics I

PHYS 130

University Physics I

Joint Major Requirements

Joint majors combining mathematics with another discipline may be arranged. Twenty-four credits in mathematics courses are required as part of any such joint major, and must include:

Course Number

Course Name

MATH 120

Calculus I

MATH 130

Calculus II

MATH 210

Calculus III

MATH 220

Introduction to Higher Algebra

MATH 240

Linear Algebra

MATH 320

Algebraic Structures

The program also may include such other mathematics courses at the 200 level or higher as the student, with departmental approval, may elect; and the foreign language requirement must be completed as for any other major. Students wishing to undertake a joint major in mathematics should obtain the advice of the mathematics coordinator as early as possible after deciding to pursue the major. A faculty member from the department will be assigned to cooperate with the student's other major advisor in the construction and execution of an appropriate study plan.