Criminal Justice Course Descriptions
Criminal Justice Course Descriptions
CRJ 200 Introduction to Criminal Justice, 3 credits
A critical analysis and assessment of the nature, processes, and organizations that comprise the American criminal justice system. A major emphasis is the criminal justice process and the conflicts at each stage of the process related to crime control, due process, and to race, ethnicity, gender, class, and age.
CRJ 210 Police and Society, 3 credits
In the field of law enforcement in the United States, it is essential to know the contemporary problems being faced and combine that knowledge with empirical research and theoretical reasoning to arrive at best practices and an understanding of policing. This course will provide a thorough analysis of the key issues in policing today and offers an issues-oriented discussion focusing on critical concerns such as personnel systems, organization and management, operations, discretion, use of force, culture and behavior, ethics and deviance, civil liability, and police-community relations. A critical assessment of police history and the role politics played in the development of American police institutions is also addressed, as well as globalization, terrorism, and homeland security. Prerequisite: CRJ 200.
CRJ 220 Corrections, 3 credits
This course is designed to introduce students to the history of American corrections and the fundamental theories of punishment and treatment. A focus will be placed on correctional law, police, practices, issues, and controversies within the correctional system. We will examine the incarceration rates of people of color and other groups, probation and parole, types of punishment and the public policy surrounding the expansion of community-based corrections. Prerequisite: CRJ 200.
SOC 260 Women and Crime, 4 credits
This course begins with the introduction to issues that face women as they navigate the criminal justice system. Students will gain a better understanding of women as victims, offenders, and criminal justice professionals.
CRJ 300 Research and Technology in Criminal Justice, 3 credits
Examines the global application of research, technology, and crime analysis to support and enhance the effectiveness of criminal justice agencies in preventing and reducing crime. Prerequisites: HSS 280 and CRJ 200.
CRJ 342 Crime Victims, 3 credits
The scientific study of the victims of crime, which includes the impact of victimization at the individual and societal levels. Also included are the laws, policies, and resources relevant to criminal victimization and the intersection between crime victims and the criminal justice system. Prerequisite: CRJ 200.
SOC 351 Criminology, 4 credits
A study of the theories explaining the causes of crime and criminal behavior with a specific focus on the prevention and control of crime.
SOC 355 Juvenile Delinquency, 4 credits
The course examines delinquent behavior and the general operation of the juvenile control system.
SOC 358 Law and Society, 4 credits
A study of the relationship between law and society with particular emphasis on the major classical and contemporary theories of law and society, the organization of law, law and social control, and law and social change.
CRJ 365 Comparative Criminal Justice, 3 credits
Comparison of international contemporary and historic justice processes with specific focus on similarities and differences in laws, police procedures, court practices, and correctional processes. Prerequisite: CRJ 200.
CRJ 385 White Collar Crime, 3 credits
An analysis of the crimes committed by individuals within the occupational setting and by corporations. Also examined are the physical, economic and social costs of white-collar crime, as well as the characteristics of white collar offenders and explanations for white collar offending. Prerequisite: CRJ 200.