Graduate Program in
Social Justice

Graduate Program in Social Justice

The Master of Arts degree in Social Justice is designed to prepare students interested in gaining practical tools, specialized skills, and policy knowledge to advocate effective strategies to maximize the potential for social justice and human rights. The Social Justice graduate program seeks to build competencies and skills to transform social inequalities among social structures (economic, political, gender, race, etc.) toward a more just society. Graduates of the program are prepared for further graduate study or for careers in research, planning, policy analysis, politics and government affairs, public interest advocacy, public interest law, international or multicultural affairs, diversity, and social justice consultation, corporate giving, media, public affairs, human services, social work corrections, media, international humanitarian careers, and non-governmental organizations (NAACP, Innocence Projects, & the Southern Poverty Law Center, etc.)

DEPARTMENT CHAIR Tdka Kilimanjaro,PhD Associate Provost/VP of Academic Affairs for Accreditation, Assessment, and Institutional Effectiveness, Chair/ Associate Professor of Social Justice

Dr. Tdka Kilimanjaro serves as the Director of the Social Justice Graduate Program and is also a Professor of Sociology at Fisk University.

Phone: 615-329-8870

Academic Discipline

Our academic disciplines allow you to specialize your focus to one area of interest. They are a part of your transition into higher education which involves being aware that each discipline is a distinct discourse community with specific vocabularies, styles, and modes of communication.