Opera Workshop 

Opera Workshop is designated as an ensemble under this category. Students work on character development in the first two semesters of taking the course. If they continue, students work on execution and learning of roles or scenes and how to interact with other students on stage using acting skills developed by a combination of two schools of acting, primarily Uta Hagen and Stanislavski. If students retain their status in upper workshop for a third year, they are given the opportunity to be presented in a scene’s program or theatrically perform arias/musical theater pieces in their recitals. If a musical theater piece is presented by the Professor in charge of Theatrical productions, students in Opera Workshop work with a theater professor with many of these ideals intact as they develop their roles in the musical theater production. Although there is no audition for Opera workshop, students who wish to participate must be classically trained vocally and must be able to submit themselves to learning acting skills with the possibility of learning or studying a role.  

The Music City Sound Marching Band 

The "Music City Sound" Marching Band is an exciting and dynamic ensemble that combines musical and visual performance in a spirited and entertaining manner. This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of marching band techniques, repertoire, and showmanship. Participation in rehearsals, performances, and community events is a key component of this course. Students audition but are generally accepted at all levels of musicianship. 


  • Develop proficiency in marching and playing simultaneously. 
  • Learn and memorize a diverse repertoire of music and drills. 
  • Refine ensemble performance and musicianship skills. 
  • Promote teamwork, discipline, and leadership within the ensemble. 



Fisk University Choir

Originally known as the Mozart Society, the Fisk University Choir was established in 1879 by Adam K. Spence, first principal of the Fisk School. The purpose of the ensemble was to assist the Fisk Jubilee Singers® during their heavy touring season. Today, under the leadership of Music Director Dr. Christopher Duke, the Fisk University Choir remains the oldest college choir in the state of Tennessee and strives to continue its legacy of fine music. This is a mixed vocal ensemble that provides training in performance, with emphasis on proper vocal technique for ensemble singing. All music majors must complete two semester hours in this ensemble. Generally, this group performs for selected Sunday Chapel Services and performs major choral compositions in concert. Membership: permission of the director. May be repeated for credit.